A saga of intrigue, betrayal, legal battles and underhand business dealings are interlaced with personal tragedy and a cast of characters that includes a spy, the Disney gang, a white cat with a penchant for torture, and Jesus living at the bottom of the garden.
Cranthorpe Millner
Publication Date
The Real Tenerife
The Real Tenerife
Self Published
This is an insider guide in the true sense of the word and it contains information about Tenerife you simply won’t find in other guidebooks.
We don’t produce reams of hotel and restaurant listings, many of which may be out of date before the virtual ink has dried and all of which are readily accessible through sites like TripAdvisor and Booking.com which most people consult regardless of whether or not they have a guide. Instead, we use these pages to supply information you can’t source from anywhere else and which will remain current for years to come.
Pocket Rough Guide Tenerife & La Gomera
Almost guaranteed, year-round sunshine is the main reason some eleven million plus visitors annually flock to the island of Tenerife where, in its south and west coast resorts, the archetypal holiday pleasures of sun, sea and sand beckon from within a safe, familiar environment. Yet outside the resorts, there’s a very different side to Tenerife, one where ancient rainforests and ragged mountains border abyssal ravines; where whales and dolphins inhabit warm coastal waters and where Spain’s highest mountain sits within a vast, volcanic crater beneath some of the world’s clearest skies.
Rough Guide